For telephone orders +30 2463029223 - +30 6972109070


These General Terms of Use and terms (hereinafter Terms of Use) govern the access and use of the website and the online store Access to and use of the online store, such as browsing and purchasing products, presupposes the full understanding and unconditional acceptance of all the following terms and conditions. If the User disagrees with all or even one of the Terms of Use of the online store, he must abstain from using it, otherwise he declares that he has unconditionally accepted all its terms and conditions of operation. The User is requested to check the content of the specific pages for possible changes. The continued use of the website even after any changes means the unconditional acceptance by the User of these terms.


BUSINESS IDENTITY is the website and the online store for the exhibition and sale of products through the internet created and operated by our sole proprietorship under the name "Bania Christina" with TIN EL115804419, based in Ptolemaida, on Megalou Alexandrou Street , No. 3, with e-mail address: and telephone lines: +30 2463029223 and +30 6972109070 (hereinafter Any individual who visits the online store or makes use of the services for the sake of brevity is hereby referred to as a User or Consumer or Customer.

TERMS AND CHANGES reserves the right to modify or renew unilaterally and freely the present terms and conditions of use and transactions, without prior notice, but always within the framework of transactional ethics and limits set by law. It also reserves the right to change the content of the website, such as a price or a photo, without prior notice to the User. Any such change will be notified through the website of the online store and will be valid from the date of its posting on it. It is clarified that any change in these terms of use does not cover orders placed before its validity. Contracts through the online store are drawn up in the Greek language.


INFORMATION PROVIDED is committed to the quality, completeness and validity of the information provided on its websites, subject to any technical or typographical errors that cannot be predicted or have occurred unintentionally or due to interruption of the website, due to force majeure and has the right to correct them whenever it realizes their existence.


BUSINESS PURPOSE provides products and services that are addressed, intended and sold to end Users / Consumers. The sale of the products for commercial purposes is not excluded.


The listed prices of the products sold include VAT.


The users of the online store declare and accept that they will not use it, as well as its content, services, information and data of the online store in any way that is illegal, immoral, offensive and malicious, but as the law provides and based on the rules of good faith and business ethics, and assume responsibility for any damage caused to the website by misuse or improper use of the relevant services. They also state that the information provided by them during the use of the online store and its contents, is absolutely accurate and correct. is not responsible for any technical problems that may occur to users when they attempt to access the website and during it and are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure with the use of the website. Finally, they declare that they assume all responsibility from the use of the online store and their account, by persons not authorized by them as well as the compensation from any damage caused by this use, to and any other associate.


LIMITATION OF LIABILITY is not responsible for any errors in prices, features or photos and reserves the right to change prices without notice. At the same time it does not bear any responsibility for direct or indirect, positive or negative damage (indicative and not exclusively reported, missing profits, business shutdown, loss of data, loss of customers), which arise in connection with the operation or / or use of the online store. Users are solely responsible for the evaluation and selection of products and services offered by the website and does not bear any responsibility in relation to the correctness of the choice of Users or any incompatibilities between products - software - services provided from it. reserves the right as to the delivery time of the products in cases of force majeure. reserves the right at any time to temporarily or permanently suspend the operation of all or part of it for reasons of maintenance or upgrade or for any other reason. cannot provide any guarantee for the availability of the products, but guarantees the timely information of the consumers about their non-availability, in which case it does not bear any further responsibility. is not liable to the Users for damages that may arise from the execution or not of their order and is not obliged to compensate for any damage or loss arising from the cancellation of orders, non-execution or delay in execution for any reason. does not control and does not carry out any preventive control of the content and information published and communicated by third parties and does not bear any responsibility for them.
Under any circumstances, including the case of negligence, is not responsible for any kind of damage suffered by the Visitor / User of the pages, services, options and contents of the website, in which proceeds on his/her own initiative and with knowledge of the terms herein. The contents of the website are provided "as is", without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. To the fullest extent and in accordance with the law, the website denies all warranties expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those which imply marketability and suitability for a particular purpose. The website does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected. Also, the website does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the "servers" through which they are made available to you, are provided to you without "viruses" or other harmful components. The website does not guarantee in any case the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of any corrections or services is borne by the Visitor / User and in no case


For the products, which are manufactured by is equally responsible for any damage due to a defect of the product.
In case of a defective or problematic product the Consumer must contact the store by phone at +30 2463029223 or by e-mail to the email address and will be served immediately, replacing the problematic product when possible or returning the Consumer money. (See Product Returns).


LIABILITY IN CASE OF LOSS OR DAMAGE OF THE PRODUCT DURING TRANSPORT insures every order throughout the transfer period and until it is delivered to the Consumer. In case of loss of the products prior to their delivery to the Consumer, the Consumer has the right to withdraw his purchase and to be refunded any money he has paid for his purchase. After the delivery of the products to the Consumer, the responsibility for their loss or damage is transferred exclusively to the Consumer.
The risk of loss or damage of the product is transferred to the Consumer from its delivery to the carrier, if the carrier is instructed by the Consumer to transport the goods and this option was not offered by, subject to his rights Consumer versus carrier.


All content of this website, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and products are the intellectual property of and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.
No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of
The names, images, logos and insignia that represent or third parties contracted with it, are exclusive marks and insignia of itself and its contracted parties and are protected by Greek, EU and international laws on trademarks, industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition.
In any case, their appearance and display on the website should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.


The Protection of Personal Data refers exclusively to the personal data provided by the User to during the use of the website, with the provisions of the applicable Legislation, including Law 4624/2019. The User's personal data are requested, recorded and used only for the service of the online store and exclusively for communication, financial and tax purposes. The User's personal data will not be given in any case to other companies or entities without his permission, while according to the law on personal data protection, the User can access them whenever he wishes. Finally, provides the possibility to any User who no longer wishes to use the online store and the services provided by it, to submit a request of deletion from its file. In this case the personal data and data of the User are deleted and cease to be used. For more information, the User can refer to the terms of the Privacy Policy of


SECURITY OF TRANSACTIONS recognizes the importance of the issue of the security of the User's personal data as well as the electronic transactions carried out through the online store. For this reason, all the necessary measures are taken, with the most modern and advanced methods, in order to ensure the maximum possible safety of the User. All information, which is related to the User's personal data and transactions, is secure and confidential. You have the possibility of concluding a valid order through the online store, if you are legally competent in compliance with the articles of the Greek Civil Code (unless you have reached the age of eighteen and you are not in legal aid regarding the conclusion of a sales contract). Orders can also be placed by representatives of legal entities. uses the anti-spam protocol, for secure online commercial transactions. This encrypts all of your personal information so that it cannot be read or altered as it is transmitted over the Internet. For more information, the User can refer to the terms of the Privacy Policy of


The services of the website may include links to third party websites, to which Users may be transferred. is not responsible for the privacy practices of such third-party websites. Users are advised to read the data protection policies of each third-party website to which they link from the website.


USE OF COOKIES uses cookie technology to improve and facilitate the visit and browsing of Users on its website. The cookie files are sent to the Computer of the Users, whom they identify as specific users, saving their personal preferences. Users of the website of can configure their server in such a way as to either warn them about the use of cookies in specific services, or to exclude their use in any case. For more information about cookies, the User can refer to the terms of the Privacy Policy of


Registration as a Member of the online store is at the discretion of the User and is not an obligation in order to browse the online store or make a purchase from it. However, if the User wishes to register, he can proceed with it by entering the necessary personal information that will be requested and accepting these Terms of Use. With these simple steps, the registration process is completed and the User obtains his own Member Account. Registration and participation as a Member is free, it is personal, non-transferable and inviolable. The User is responsible for the personal data it provides and relies solely on this provision. The User has the ability, at any time, to access his data, process it and request their immediate deletion. The User details are maintained by only for as long as the User remains a registered Member, are not disclosed to any third party and are managed exclusively by him and only for purposes related to the services of the online store. All the personal data of the User, which are collected through the special electronic registration form of are the absolutely necessary for the performance of the above services and the registration of the User declares his full consent. Regarding the collection and processing of personal data, the terms and provisions of the Privacy Policy of apply.


The registration of the User in the Newsletter Service of is at the discretion of the User and it is not his obligation in order to browse the online store or to make a purchase from it. However, if the User wishes to register with the Service, he can proceed to it by entering his e-mail address (e-mail) in the corresponding field of the website. Upon completion of his registration, the User gives his explicit consent to receive informative and promotional material for the products and services of, as well as related advertising messages via his e-mail. For the protection of personal data, what is mentioned in the Privacy Policy of applies. The User must take care of the correct completion of the e-mail that will receive the newsletters and check frequently if they end up in the Spam. In no case is responsible if they are not delivered to their destination. The User can be deleted from the Newsletter Service at any time, using the contact form of the website or through the corresponding link that appears in the informative e-mails received by the User from within the Newsletter Service.


For the identification of a registered User / Member, the e-mail address (e-mail) and the personal secret security code (password) are used, which can be changed by the User as often as he/she wishes. The only one who has access to the User / Member information is him/herself through the above codes and is solely responsible for maintaining its confidentiality and concealment from third parties. is not responsible for the use of the secret code by an unauthorized person. For security reasons, it is recommended to change the password at regular intervals and to avoid using the same and easily traceable codes (e.g. date of birth). It is also recommended to use not only letters and numbers but also symbols to create a strong password.


Through the menu and product categories of the online store, the User can select the products he/she wants, add them to the wish list for future use or add them to the shopping cart to complete his/her order. Also, before completing his/her order, the User can, if he/she wishes, remove products from the shopping cart, choosing to delete them. In this case, a recalculation of the order cost is made and if the User agrees, he/she selects the order Go to Purchase to complete the purchase process.
Upon successful completion of the order, the User will receive an automated e-mail stating the order number and further details. The User must take care to receive the e-mails that come from and to check frequently if they end up in the Spam.
When the order is delivered to the cooperating courier company (courier), the User will receive a new e-mail which will indicate the bill of lading number. With this number the User can monitor the progress of his/her order until it reaches the delivery area that he has stated in his respective order.


In case the User chooses to register his/her order by phone, he/she must know the present Terms of Use, which he/she implicitly accepts with the final registration of his/her order. Contact phone for telephone orders is +30 2463029223 and +30 6972109070, from Monday till Saturday, from 10:00 to 16:00.


The order can be canceled in the following cases:
• Before the order is completed, during the electronic ordering process, the User can remove the quantities of products from his shopping cart by clicking on the delete button and then updating. At the same time, he can change the number of products he has selected to zero.
• If the online order has been completed but the product has not yet been shipped from the store. In this case, the cancellation is possible by sending an e-mail to the email address info@ or by phone at +30 2463029223 and +30 6972109070, from Monday till Saturday, from 10:00 to 16:00 and if it is confirmed by e-mail to the User from that the product has not been shipped.


TREATMENT OF COMPLAINTS POLICY is by your side, at all times, before and after the delivery of the products. For any problem you may encounter regarding your order, do not hesitate to contact us.


The above Terms of Use, as well as any modification, change or alteration are governed by and construed in accordance with Greek law, European Union law and relevant international treaties. This constitutes the entire agreement between and the User and binds only them. No modification of these terms will be considered and will not form part of this agreement unless it has been formulated in writing and incorporated into it. For any dispute, it is agreed that the Courts of Eordea and Kozani have exclusive jurisdiction.


If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, you have the right to return the product within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of your order and request one of the following:
• Replace with another size, when available
• Replacement with a product of equal or greater value
• Exercising the right of withdrawal and refund.
Return costs are borne by the customer. The final amount returned to the customer is calculated based on the value of the product at the date of purchase. Your money is deposited in the bank account number you indicate to us, within 14 working days from the moment we receive the returned products and provided that they meet the terms and conditions described below.
CAUTION! There are no refunds or changes to products made to order.
To choose another size or other product, you must place a new order and notify us of the change.
Before sending the returned product, you must contact us by e-mail at info@ or by phone at +30 2463029223 and we will help you with your return. Alternatively, you can fill in the Return Form provided on the website of The return will be accepted only after approval by our company and informing you about the process.
To avoid your own inconvenience, please check carefully, at the time of delivery of your order, the integrity of its packaging and the condition of the product.


In case of a or b, ie the return and replacement of product (change), you are not charged with return costs (recipient charge), provided that the return of the product is sent to us with the cooperating courier company Speedex Courier. If you return products to us with any other courier company, the shipping costs are borne by you (sender's fee) and in addition reserves the right to refuse their receipt. The shipping costs of the new product (change) are borne by the customer (you) and amount to 2.9 euros. In case the same procedure takes place with the same customer, the shipping costs will be borne by the customer himself even if the products are shipped with the cooperating courier company Speedex Courier. The new shipment is made again with Speedex Courier. For the cost in case c see below section "REFUND OF MONEY".


Necessary condition for the return of the product, is to be done within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of your order. The date of dispatch of the returned product is the one indicated by the courier company on the receipt, for the control of the deadline.
Necessary condition for the return of the product is to be in its original condition and to be accompanied by the corresponding tax document.
In particular, the products must not be worn, washed or modified in any way, and must not show signs of use. The products must be returned in the perfect condition in which you received it, at the address of our headquarters, including the accompanying documents (eg warranty, labels, manufacturer's card, etc.) and items (e.g. gift box, storage box, etc.) received.
The return will be accepted only after its approval by our company, informing you about it with an email.
Products that have any sign of use or wear or returns made without meeting these terms and conditions, will be returned to the customer at the shipping address indicated in the original order and with shipping costs borne by him and amount to 2 euros.


In case you received a defective product, follow the procedure below:
After first contacting and receiving the return approval you have the right to request one of the following:
(a) the free repair of the defect, where possible
(b) replacing it with a product of equal or greater value, when available
(c) exercising the right of withdrawal and refund, without any additional financial burden on you.
In any case, all return and re-shipping costs are covered by, provided that the return of the defective product is sent with the cooperating courier company Speedex Courier. If you send us the product without following the above procedure, the shipping costs are borne by you and in addition reserves the right to refuse to receive it.
Also, the above obligations of cease in case the defect has been caused by you or the product that is returned has damage, abrasions and generally creates the impression that it has been used beyond what is necessary to determine its suitability. For the rest, what is stated above applies to the terms and conditions of return.
In any case, provides the service of repairing the product, at the expense of the user.


Refunds are always made at the purchase price of the product on the day of purchase. For the return of the products, you are not charged with return costs (recipient's charge), provided that the return of the product is sent to us with the cooperating courier company Speedex Courier. If the customer returns the products by any other courier, the shipping costs are borne by the customer and in addition reserves the right to refuse to receive them. In case the same procedure takes place with the same customer, the shipping costs will be borne by the customer himself even if the products are shipped with the cooperating courier company Speedex Courier. The money is deposited in the bank account number indicated by the Customer, within 14 working days from the moment we receive the products to be returned and if they meet the terms and conditions described above.


Contact us

M. Alexandrou 3
Ptolemaida Postal Code 502 00
Phone: 2463029223 - 6972109070



Copyright © 2021. Design by Kostas Tsampalis